Sunday, September 26, 2010

Combining Like Terms

An outstanding technology resource that works with your iPod Touch.  Use it to check your work!
Go To Site

Graphing Points On An XY-Coordinate Grid

An outstanding web resource for learning and reviewing where a point will be placed on a coordinate grid. Simply type in the Coordinate Point with parenthesis (EXAMPLE: (2,3))


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Learning Log 2-22

What does "-" mean?
List as many ways you can to describe this symbol.
Title this entry "Meanings of Minus".

Order Of Operations

A short video describing the order of operations in mathematics. This could be a helpful, additional tool describing the "Math Notes" section and for problem 2-30.

Skill Review Week 2 - Order of Operations from Trent Tormoehlen on Vimeo.

September 23

Two to three inches of rain predicted for today!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning Log 2-16

Leave A Comment!  Create a shape in your notebook using three different-shaped tiles.  Draw the shape and leave a comment that shows how to write a simplified expression for its perimeter.  Label this entry "Finding Perimeter and Combining Like Terms".

THANK YOU to all that commented.  Remember that finding the perimeter of an object is finding the distance around that object.  In addition, only terms that have similar variables can be combined.  

Example 1:  y + y + y = 3y. 
Example 2:  xy + xy + y^2 + xy + 1 + 1 + 1 + y^2 =  2y^2 + 3xy + 3

September 22

Last official day of the 2010 summer. Did you have a fun filled summer?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learning Log 2-5

In a reply, explain what a variable is in your own words.  Describe each type of tile with words that include dimensions and an area.  Explain when tiles can and cannot be combined.  Be sure to include examples to support your statements.   Title the entry "Variables".

September 21

The sun is there somewhere.

Virtual Algebra Tiles

A picture of the EXACT Algebra Tiles that we used in class.

Algebra Tiles that can be used on a desktop or laptop computer. (Will not work on iPod touch)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Learning Log 1-64

What questions do you still have about the Guess and Check solution process?  In your Learning Log (comment), write some questions you have about how to solve a word problem using Guess and Check.  Title this comment "Questions about Guess and Check" and label it with today's date.

Please respond to a comment with a comment if you can answer someone's question.  Please create a professional conversation!

September 13

Friday, September 10, 2010

Learning Log 1-53

How can you use the results of a guess to choose your next guess?  How can you tell if you should make your next guess much diferent than or very close to your last guess?  Title your comment:  "Choosing Good Guesses" and include today's date.

September 10

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Learning Log 1-43

Describe what you know about the Guess and Check -solving method.  For example, what does a Guess and Check problem look like?  What does the solution look like?  How does the method work?  Title your comment Guess and Check and include today's date.

Remember you are leaving a comment and it becomes a part of the "Professional You".

September 8

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Beginning

Our Algebra Connections book requires a number of "Learning Logs" or reflections on mathematical concepts that you have learned from our book.  Your "Learning Log" responses will become a class blog instead of a piece of paper in a notebook.  Throughout this year, we will create a classroom blog that allows us to reflect on great math concepts!  It is important to write each entry of the "Learning Log" in your own words so that later you can use your "Learning Log" as a resource to refresh your memory.

As always, this is the Professional You that will be placed on the web.  THINK about the question.  QUESTION how you may answer (what resources do you need to use).  CREATE your comment.

September 2