Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Physics Behind "Unstoppable"


Can you determine if the movie's claim of destruction is actually true?  It's a simple math problem.

The video clip includes help from a professor who will walk you through the process.  You will need to find the SPEED OF AN AVERAGE CARGO TRAIN and include the mass of the train from the professor's clip.

After analyzing, will the train "blow up a whole city" as advertised?  He also states that this is "just a simple math problem" which confirmed to me, "Yes, math is everywhere!"

Develop a conversation by replying.  If you reply with something meaningful then you will earn yourself 10 extra credit points.


  1. The professor in the video, said that the answer is no. However, I have the numbers to prove it.
    I used the equation E=.5MV^2 which the prof. gave in the video. In this equation, M=mass, and V= speed. It was said in this video, that the trains speed was 50 mph and he also stated that the trains mass was 1,000,000 tons. I plugged them into the equation(E=.5(1,000,000)50^2.
    My answer is: Energy=1,250,000,000.
    I know that he said that the answer is that it could not blow up even a city-block, so 1,250,000,000 is still not enough energy to blow up a city.

  2. Reiley: Using the numbers that you have has allowed you to determine the correct answer. Your numbers are correct. I do believe the professor stated that he felt the 1,000,000 tons was too much for a train to weigh. After doing his research, he felt the train should weigh 1,000,000 pounds.

    Still, thanks for doing the math.

  3. The train will not blow up the whole city because it does not have enough energy. You can figure this out by using the formula E=.5mv^2. The E stands for the energy, the m is the mass, and the v is the speed. If you plug in the mass and speed of the train you will get its energy. Equation: E=.5(1,000,000)50^2; This gets you the energy of the train which is 1,250,000,000. The train having this much energy is not enough to blow up the entire city.

  4. The professor is saying that train would not blow up a city but it would still make a pretty big explosion. He found his out by e=.5mv^2 the number he plug In were e=.5(1000000)50^2 witch will not Blow up a city but it will put a dent In a grond
