Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chapter 4 Intro Distributive Property

The equations that we will experience in Chapter 4 will become more challenging.  Get a great, short introduction on how to solve these equations!  After watching the video, reply with one detailed concept that you learned!  It is STRONGLY recommended that you write down the examples for the future!!!


An Introduction To Chapter 4
***Can't see the slideshow below CLICK HERE


  1. I learned that with the number outside the parentisys you multiply it by both numbers no matter if it's an X or not

  2. 11/16/10
    A detailed cosept that I learned is that u need to multipy both sides of the equation by a denominator that can get fractions to whole numbers.

  3. I learned how to multiply a positive # by a fraction. To get a whole # so therefore it's easier to solve the the equation.

  4. I learned how to solve for x (better) when there's a fraction involved. How you take the fraction and multiply it by the least common multiple (like 8*3 over 4 the 8 & 4 divided you get 2 so now it's 2*3).

  5. One thing I have learned while watching this video, is how to "clean-up" fractions.

  6. Whenever you have to use fractions when you are distributing you should always make he fraction into a whole number. You do that by multiplying I by the smallest common denominator.

  7. I learned that to make an equation simpler get rid of fractions by an whole number.

  8. I learned that when you have fractions it is easier to multiply by a crertain number that is divisible by both the denominators and that when you do they you have to do it to the whole equation and not just the fraction.

  9. 11/16/10 I learned that to find out what you use to multiply for a fraction in an equation you look for the least common multiple. Then you multiply the whole equation by it.

  10. I learned that if you have to multiply in order to make the problem easier then you have to make sure that you multiply both sides of the equation and not just one.

  11. I learned that when you have fractions your times them by a whole number to make the equation simpler.

  12. I learned how to get rid of the fraction by multiplying it by the opposite
    An example is that they multiplied it by 8 to get rid of the fraction

  13. I learned that if you have a fraction and you want to get it a whole number you have to find the lowest common multiple of the two denomanators. Then you have to multiply that number to each number on both sides.

  14. One thing I learned from this video is that you can try to group your X terms on the left side and group your concept terms on the right side so you can keep track of the numbers.

  15. I Learned when you have a fraction in your equation you can multiply it by a whole number to get a regular whole number and then I isn't a fraction anymore.

  16. I learned that when you have a fraction I know how to solve it better.

  17. I learned that you can multiply the fractions on either side of the equation by the same number to get a whole number so that you don't have to work with the fractions.

  18. I learned how to solve the fraction equations better

  19. When distributing it's always easier to make a fraction into a whole number because it's just that easier to solve than a fraction

  20. I learned how to "clean-up" fractions in an equation by multiplying the entire equation by the smallest factor of the denominators.

  21. I learned that If there is a fraction you have toutiply it by the lowest number that both fration go into, like in the 2nd example the number was 8

  22. I learned that you don't need to add or subtract the fractions of x. Instead, you can take the least common multiple of both of the denominators and multiply both sides by that number. Therefor, eliminating the fractions.

  23. I learned that it is easier to multiply the whole equation rather then multiply the fractions, because the whole numbers are easier to work with.

  24. I learned how to solv a equison that has a fraction in it... By taking. The least common multiple.

  25. I learned that when there is a fraction in the equation, you have to multiply both sides of he equation by the lowest factor.Doing this makes the equation easier to solve because you don't have to worry about adding and subtracting fractions.

  26. I learned that when there is a fraction you times it my the lowest factor.

  27. What I learned is that when dealing with a fraction you multiply by the lowest common factor. That is easier than messing around with adding the fractions.

  28. I learned that you have to get rid of fractions and make them into whole numbers to make the equation easier. Grant bachman

  29. When solve for a fraction of x you can multiplie the fractions by the least common denominator to make the fractions whole.

  30. I learned that when you have a fraction for x that you can multiply it by it's least common denominator to make the fraction into a whole number.

  31. I learned to get rid of the fraction in an equation you need to mulptiplt by the least common multiple and because what you do to the left you do to the right you have to do that to both sides. Like the example 3/4x+2=3/8-4 you would do 8(3/4x+16)=8(3/8x-4) which equals 6x+16=3x-32 then you would just solve the wquation.

  32. I learned that if you want to get rid of a fraction on one side or both sides of the equation you have to find a common mutiple and use the distributive property

  33. One thing I learned from the video was that you can multiply fractions by the smallest number possible to make the fraction a whole number.

  34. I learned that if you have a fraction for x you can " clean them up"

  35. I learned how to make a fraction into a whole number by multiplyingbt by the least common denominator.

  36. Kaylee pawlak

    I learned that when you have a fraction in an equation you have to multiply by a number so you can get rid of the fraction.

  37. I learned how to multiply a whole number and a fraction to get a whole number.

  38. I learned that you multiply the number on the outside of the parentheses with the inside numbers.

  39. I learned that when you have fractions times x, you can find the least common multiple of the two fractions, and then distribute. This makes the equation easier to solve.
